terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2008

Always on my mind

Maybe I didn't treat you,
Quite as good as I should have.
Maybe I didn't love you,
Quite as often as I could have.
Little things I should have said and done,
I just never took the time.
You were always on my mind.
You were always on my mind.
Maybe I didn't hold you,
All those lonely, lonely times.
And I guess I never told you,
I'm so happy that you're mine.
If I made you feel second best,
Girl I'm sorry, I was blind.

You were always on my mind.
Tell me.Tell me that your sweet love hasn't died.
Give me.Give me one more chance to keep you satisfied. Satisfied.
Little things I should have said and done,
I just never took the time.
You were always on my mind.

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Frase de Filmes

  • É possível encontrar a felicidade nas horas mais sombrias, se a pessoa se lembrar de acender a luz. (Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban)
  • "Se você não quer pegar uma maçã podre, não tire do barril, tire da árvore." (Os Intocáveis)

Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Sou o que sou! Afinal alguém tinha que ser. Sou apenas alguém querendo o seu lugar no mundo e lutando por isso.